Capt. Nick Stanczyk started his Swordfish Camp as a way to give fisherman a hands on multi day swordfishing course.
Clients are always learning when I take them fishing, but I wanted a way to get them involved more so when they go on their own boat they are ready for action. I’m still learning every day but with 3 days of fishing we can cover a lot of what I know up to this point!
We will go over the basics of deep dropping with 1 rod and then move on to 2 rods. Everybody should be able to fish a second rod as a buoy rod. We’ll go over setting up for electric reel fishing, hand crank set ups with break away leads, and even using an electric reel as down rigger option. We’ll go over rigging different types of baits, rods, and really cover how to drive the boat to stay over the line. Lunch and drinks are included on the boat. Lodging is up to you.
All Swordfish camps have been postponed currently but if we start offering them again, we will let you know!